Monday, February 3, 2014

i was finally called in to be legalized here in Argentina

So good news everybody this week i was finally called in to be legalized here in Argentina. WOO HOO! i am going to be legalized as a resident of Argentina for the next year. We started with all the paper this week. It was quite an adventurous day as well. I received the call Monday night and then the bad news was that i would have to be at the mission home by 5 in the morning...we live about 30 minutes from the office which isn´t too hard, but to prepare two missionaries was a bit difficult. We ended up sleeping in until 445 which was the first exciting part of the day rushing to get ready and out the door. Gladly our friendly neighbor who is a member and taxi driver woke up and took us to the mission home at 5 in the morning. We were a little late but the secretary was waiting for us and we sped off in the same taxi to do our paper work. Well lets just say that we were in line from 545 until 8 when the building opened. Our secretary told us that we have to do this like Black Friday, we learned why at about 7. the lien was about 2 blocks long. wow. We then waited to do some paper work and fingerprinting until about 10 o'clock. When that was finished we did some other paper work at the police station here in Cordoba, another 2 hours. by 1230 or so we went to go take pictures and go find a place to eat. Well after all that i returned back to working the day away. This week was once again blazing hot. We were blessed with clouds but i think my body is just getting used to the 95 degree weather now. I was looking at the weather and realizing that it is about an average of 35 degrees the last week. i didn't think about that being too hot until today when i realized that it is about 94 degrees. HAY CALOR! Well other than that this week has been super busy and super fun as we think of the life of a missionary but hey i am still loving it. This Week we were able to have a little activity at the church. My companion and i did a little theatrical piece. The members that we had there absolutely loved it. I am sad that i wasn't able to capture it on camera but i think that one member was able to film it so we will see if it appears on Facebook or YouTube or something like that. We then had a little activity and game about the armor of god and that sure made for a fun thing as well. We are hoping to have an activity now once a week. that should make for some fun things. Other fun fact of the week is the fact that we had a day filled with service this last Saturday. Not just that but it was a day of an exchange. So elder Mendoza (a new elder form Mexico) and ended up helping a member move a fridge about two blocks by hand. Lets just say my arms are still hurting from that, and then later in the night we had an opportunity to paint the patio of the nice and friendly taxi driver our neighbor later that night. We sure did celebrate that night with some ice cream. It was a fun day though, Well as the weeks keep going i see that the weeks are just the same. We walk, we testify, and we touch the hearts of people that the lord needs us to talk to. For example this last week we had the feeling that we needed to visit a potential that we had passed by a couple times with no success. We then passed by this last week and found the husband sitting outside. We asked how he was and he just said very bad. We learned that his wife had recently died. the strangest part was that my companion had seen her two weeks ago. It is just so strange but we were able to share a quick message with him and we plan to pass by again. The things the lord puts in your path to help his children in need. I love the mission. I love you all and i hope that this next week is just full of great things. Elder Cook

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